Since I was a teenager I loved to write, English was my favorite class in school. I remember growing up without a TV in the house and one of my favorite things to do was reading and writing, I would write my own short story books just for fun. So if you are like me and love to write but would also like to make money from writing then why not turn your passion into income. There are so many companies and popular magazines that are looking for writers. If you are starting out I would suggest using websites like Fiver and Upwork to find writing gigs, and turn your hobby into a career.

TEXTBROKER was the first online website that I started out with, and I just wanted to explain what Textbroker is and my honest opinion. Textbroker is basically a freelance writing platform for authors. They are in fact a legit website that does pay you to write, first, you would need to submit an article and wait for an approval, if you get approved then you will be assigned to a specific level, and that level will determine how much you will get paid.

So after you get approved basically you will be writing articles for clients, and those clients have very detailed and specific needs how and what they would like to be written in the article. You have to able to follow all the specified rules for that particular article or your article will not get approved and you will not get paid. Also, let me tell you that it is very difficult to find available articles in your level, you constantly have to check and quickly accept the job before someone else takes it. They pay you via PayPal.

They pay you
0.7 cents/word for level 1
1.0 cents/word for level 2
1.4 cents/word for level 3
5.0 cents/word for level 4.

In conclusion, if you are starting out, Textbroker is good for beginners and the more you write the more experience and knowledge you will get and will move up to the highest level. But I would not recommend this as a full-time job, this is if you have time and need extra income and need experience as a beginner writer. If you love to write I would suggest that you invest your time and hard work into starting your own blog and be your own boss, even though you will make a small commission with Textbroker it doesn’t compare what you can earn with your own blog. If you are interested in starting a blog but have no clue how to start blogging, click Here and I will explain step by step how to start your own blog today.